Features of WPC PVC Louvers Wall Panel Extrusion Machine: -This production line is widely used to make outdoor or indoor hollow WPC wall panel, WPC door frame, PVC louvers panel, WPC fluted …
PVC Plastic Mixer Applications:PVC plastic mixer is used for mixing, stirring, drying and coloring of various resin such as poly, PE, PP, PVC...etc.This machine combines hot mixer and cooler mixer tog…
is one of the leading manufacturers of flexible hose, flexible shaft and vibrator parts. In the meantime, it is one of the few manufacturers of flexible rubber hoses in China. It has a prod…
JinXin Mud tanks is the main container holding well drilling fluid. It is widely used in oil and gas drilling, HDD, CSM drilling, slurry separation, tunnelling and mining industries. In JI…
ECROBOT CO., Ltd, Business Registration Number : 220-88-71747, CEO J.W.Park, TEL : +82-2-552-7676, E-mail : E-mail : Contact us Address : (Hwanghwa B/D 11F, Yeoksam-dong)320, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea